Starting with drawing, thanks to

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Art Class - Third and Last Project: Acrylic on Canvas 16x20

I won't be going back to this class.  I like some of the things I did in the class, but I'm not sure that I was "taught" anything by the teacher.  She basically allowed us the use of her studio and used negativity as her method to try to teach us something.  Three classes after my daughter did something wrong, the teacher was still yammering on about how she ruined her drawing due to doing it wrong. Would not let up. It was my daughter's first freaking art class.  The teacher should show the proper technique before turning a beginner student loose to do something wrong.  I had my own issues with her as well.  But enough ranting.  Here is the last thing I worked on:

I'd like to remove about 60% of the flowers and add more greenery to look more like the reference picture.
Might also remove the stupid birds that the teacher added "for me."  Maybe some day.  

The art teacher thought that the composition was terrible. AFTER I showed her the picture I wanted to work from, and after I was finished.  The flowers are too distracting, drawing the eye away from the beautiful distant seascape.  Well, being that the inspiration was a picture of flowers close-up with a distant seascape, it was the exact composition that I wanted.  I just wanted to learn to paint.  Guess I'll try it solo for awhile.

This picture was the inspiration:

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